Articles publiés, sous presse ou acceptés, dans des revues avec comité de lecture
MARAIS, Ariane, ABI-ZEID, Irène, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et LAVOIE, Roxane (Sous presse). A Multicriteria model for the assessment of source water contamination by anthropogenic activities to support land use management. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, x(x).
AHMADPOUR, Elham, HALLÉ, Simon, VALOIS, Isabelle, RYAN, Patrick Eddy, HADDAD, S., RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, TARDIF, Robert et al. (Sous presse). Comparison of sampling collection strategies for assessing airborne trichloramine levels in indoor swimming pools. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, x(x).
CASSIVI, Alexandra, COVEY, A., RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et GUILHERME, Stéphanie (2023). Domestic water security in the Arctic: A scoping review.International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 247(x), 114060. doi : 10.1016/j.ijheh.2022.114060
COULOMBE, Louis, LEGAY, Christelle, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2019). Management of hypochlorite solutions used for water treatment in small drinking water systems. Practice and Technology, 14(2), p.380-390.
DELPLA, Ianis, MIHAI, Florea et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2019). Drinking water source monitoring using early warning systems based on data mining techniques. Water Resources Management, 33(1), p.129-140.
GAO, Jianan, PROULX, François et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2019). Halogenated acetaldehydes in water: A review of their occurrence, formation, precursors and control strategies. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 49(14), p.1331-1385.