Articles publiés, sous presse ou acceptés, dans des revues avec comité de lecture
CASSIVI, Alexandra, CARABIN, A., DOREA, Caetano Chang, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et HUOT, C. (Sous presse). Heterotrophic plate counts (HPCs) in drinking water distribution systems: A comprehensive review and meta-analysis. Water Quality Research Journal , x(x).
FRADETTE, Marie-Stéphanie, BOURQUE, S., RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et CHARRETTE, S. (Sous presse). Year-round monitoring of three water sources in Québec, Canada, reveals site-specific differences in conditions for Cryptosporidium and Giardia contamination. Canadian Journal of Microbiology , x(x).
MENA, D., PENA, C. et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (Sous presse). Effects of climate change and land use on the hydrologic regime using the Hydro-BID tool: a case study of the Andean mountain basin in Colombia. Journal of Water & Climate Change , x(x).
CASSIVI, Alexandra, COVEY, A., RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et GUILHERME, Stéphanie (2023). Domestic water security in the Arctic: A scoping review.International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 247(x), 114060. doi : 10.1016/j.ijheh.2022.114060
[MALEKI, Mahnoush, PELLETIER, Geneviève et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J. et FARMANI R. (2024). Adaptative water quality management in water distribution systems by optimizing control valves and chlorination booster stations. Urban Water Journal (In Press).]